Strategic Approach to Patient Retention in 2024

Hello, welcome to 2024!

I'm sure, just like many, you've been taking a bird's-eye view of your pharmacy as a business and setting some goals to kick off the next 12 months. Reflecting on last year as an industry, it's safe to assume that one of these goals might revolve around revenue growth and a solid marketing plan, right?

Well, since I'm on blogging duty this week, I'm here to spill the beans on three straightforward tips to help your pharmacy set up a system that nurtures customer growth. Let's dive in!

1.       Don’t overcomplicate

Like setting a personal goal, the key to achieving success is to keep things realistic. Take social media, for instance, if you're incorporating it into your marketing strategy, it's crucial not to commit to a posting schedule that isn't manageable while juggling all your various responsibilities. Likewise, it's not practical to declare that you'll visit 20 local businesses in a single week to introduce your pharmacy's services. The magic happens when goals align with the constraints of your real-world schedule and capacities. So, when crafting your marketing plan, find that sweet spot that balances ambition with practicality. It's all about making strides that you can confidently and effectively manage, while wearing all your different hats!

Side note: perhaps your marketing efforts could be driven by someone within your team, and you simply oversee.

2.       Set up a content calendar

For the past seven years, I've been at the helm of the Peak Strategies content calendar. If you've peeked at our social media, received our emails, or tuned into our podcast, you'd probably agree that it has been rather consistent. And guess what's been the secret sauce? Our content calendar.

I've created a template that breaks down each month, highlights key dates, and spells out which channels I'm deploying each month. What's even cooler is that I've seamlessly integrated this strategy into my work with clients, and it's a core component of our marketing course, and is available for download!

So, here's my recommendation for you: give it a whirl! It could be as straightforward as setting up an Excel sheet in a calendar format. Throw in all your promotional and marketing activities—colouring in competitions, service promotions, and reminders for public holiday hours. And here's a pro tip: color code that calendar based on your different channels—email, Facebook, cataloge, in-store events, and the whole shebang.

3.       Consider your niche

In my initial interactions with pharmacies, I often pose the question: What is your pharmacy known for? Interestingly, the responses are varied. Some might highlight expertise in specific health topics like diabetes or baby health, while others proudly mention collaborations with sporting clubs or catering to distinct audiences such as seniors or chronic pain patients.

Why do I ask this? Because understanding your "niche" lays the groundwork for crafting a plan that resonates with like-minded customers. Marketing, in essence, should act as an amplifier for what you're already excelling at. There's no need to shy away from showcasing your strengths. If you're an expert on a particular subject, own it and post about it boldly. Your unique offerings are your selling points, and marketing is your tool to spotlight them confidently. So, embrace your expertise and don't hesitate to focus your messaging on what you know best.

In conclusion, as we usher into 2024, sit down and investigate these three tips as your guide to a successful year for your pharmacy.

1.       Keep it simple—align your goals with a realistic approach, finding that sweet spot between ambition and practicality.

2.       Consider implementing a content calendar, a proven strategy at Peak Strategies.

3.       Embrace your pharmacy's unique identity—whether it's expertise in health topics, local collaborations, or catering to specific audiences. Use these strengths as the spotlight in your marketing.

Give your year a boost! Apply code 2024 at checkout to enjoy a 10% discount on our marketing course. It's the perfect tool to kickstart your pharmacy's marketing journey.