Buying a Pharmacy? Then You Must Understand the Due Diligence Process

Buying a Pharmacy? Then You Must Understand the Due Diligence Process

Buying a pharmacy is one of the biggest investment decisions you are likely to make.

It is a significant investment, involves significant debt, and accordingly deserves significant levels of analysis and advice to ensure you are being as careful as possible. Any business undertaking of this size involves a degree of risk, and any process that helps you reduce that risk, and gives you a greater knowledge about the financial aspects of the pharmacy that should be considered. For those pharmacists who are thinking of buying a pharmacy, understanding the due diligence process is vital.

10 Tips For Buying Your First Pharmacy

10 Tips For Buying Your First Pharmacy

Previous blogs we have talked about the issues you need to contend with when buying a pharmacy (So You Want to Buy a Pharmacy? and Pharmacy Partnerships – What you need to Know). For most young pharmacist’s keen on ownership, the most common and likely affordable entry point is buying a share of the pharmacy they work in.