Healthy Habits for your Pharmacy's Marketing Strategy

Healthy Habits for your pharmacy's marketing.png

We have all heard the theory that it takes 21 days to form a habit. Well, the other day I was listening to a podcast and heard that new studies state it takes 66 days. So, that means even more commitment and as John likes to call it stubborn persistence!

Habits are vital when it comes to marketing. On average it takes up to ten touch points for a customer to remember a brand. So, establishing habits on content creation and structure for your pharmacy’s marketing is what is going to get you noticed. Now, you know how every marketer states content is king? Well, structure is most certainly the queen.  So, today we are dedicating a whole blog to chat about structure and how to create it within your marketing plan.

Set marketing frequencies

I see ALL.THE.TIME pharmacies create the most exceptional, engaging and thought out marketing campaign for their pharmacy, it runs for a couple of weeks and then BAM nothing else for another two months. Look we get it; we all fall victim to distractions. However, to see results with your marketing efforts there needs to be a regular frequency.

The best way to do this is to determine how often you want to communicate to customers, how and where. Then set minimums for each channel.

For example: -

  • Four Instagram posts per week

  • Three Facebook posts per week

  • Fortnightly email marketing campaign sent 

  • Monthly catalogue

Once you set the frequencies, you must calculate how much time per week it will take to create the content. Whoever is responsible for the content creation will then have guidelines to follow and understand the time needed to complete.

Create Content Pillars

This is structure gold! Once you determine your content pillars everything makes so much more sense. Content pillars represent relevant topics for your target audiences. Each of your pillars, could be comprised of different types of content such as videos, catalogues, images or something simple as an Instagram post.

Take Peak Strategies for example. Our content pillars include Pharmacy owner educational content, Pharmacy buyer information and marketing advice, just to name a few. We use these pillars to structure the content for our marketing. We need a healthy mix of all our pillars to ensure we are maintaining the interest of our different target audiences.

Content pillars are helpful for pharmacies with not only structure but also ideas for content. A great content pillar structure for pharmacies should be along the lines of education, products, services and promotion. Each facet of your pharmacy should be incorporated into your content pillars. That way what you offer to customers is regularly communicated.

Content pillars is so important for pharmacies that whilst writing this blog I’ve realised it needs its own article, so stay tuned for more on this topic.

Content Calendar

Content pillars, frequencies go hand in hand with a content calendar. When you know what type of content you’re creating and how often, you need to then put that in a calendar. As a pharmacy you are aware of what promotions, stock and key dates months in advance. Therefore, set your content out in a calendar to help provide structure. Your content calendar should incorporate all your marketing including your social media, events, catalogues and any head office marketing.

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