Wow, what a year. If I reflect on this year, a word that comes to mind is gratitude.

Gratitude for all the wonderful most special things we have in our life. Gratitude for the wonderful people in my team, our families and friends, our health, our clients, the pharmacy community in general, the environment and the good lifestyle we live. This feeling of gratitude also flows to being in the present, and I know this has been very present with me for most of this year.

There are many people I want to mention who have had massive contributions to Peak. Of course, one group of people will always come first, and that is, the Peak family. You, most wonderful, glorious people. Vic, Pri, Sar, Reners, Maddie, Arnie, Yhan Yhan, The Don, Marky Mark, and Cakes. Words cannot express how grateful I am for you all. Your care, love, and attention, as well as all your beautiful personalities that make up the Peak family and gives it all its happiness and vibrancy.

Oh, the laughter, the “fruity” conversations, the happiness that is the Peak family. You may come to the office grumpy, but I can guarantee you won’t stay grumpy long. Thank you, thank you a million thank you’s. We have done a lot, achieved a lot, exceeded goals and at times fell short. We have done our best, we made mistakes, but we learnt. Overall, you lot are the best in the world.

In the Peak office health was probably the main theme this year. I am a firm believer that you need to have the basics right if you are going to perform at your best. That starts with your physical health, then your mental health, then your spiritual health. We had the steps challenge, the sleep challenge, and the water challenge. All with a view of introducing good practice and good habits within the team. We also had a regular, quarterly mental health day. Half a day given to the team to focus on their mental health. To learning, to growing, and to evolving as a person.

Covid made sure it hung around. All of us got it at some point. Such is the way it goes, and most in pharmacy land are the same.

In pharmacy land, the staffing shortages hit hard. Many pharmacies suffered with chronic shortages. Some owners were doing huge hours, day after day, week after week, month after month. Some are just exhausted now, and there does not appear to be any let up in sight yet. We do get concerned about the mental health of some. We applaud you all, and your efforts. Thank you for helping keep our communities healthy.