"Would you like to join our loyalty program?”

As a consumer this is a question I am frequently asked. To be honest, nine times out of ten I will say yes. Why? Well, because I love the freebies and discount! Witchery (my fav women’s retailer) gets me every time with a $10 reward and then me walking away with a new $200 dress.

I understand that loyalty programs are tried and tested marketing channels for thousands of pharmacies across Australia. But today, I want to talk about the power of customer data versus customer incentives to create loyalty. This is because, I believe the power in loyalty programs is the data.

marketing funnel

So, when a customer agrees to sign up to your loyalty program, they give away some data. Normally its their email address, mobile and sometimes a birthday. This goes into your database and that’s where they are notified of various promotions in store and where there are incentives. This data is a gold mine for pharmacies! And below in the next few paragraphs I will share why.

Grow your marketing funnel

A marketing funnel is the steps a customer takes from first finding out about your brand until they convert. The best way to explain this is through this visual: